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Hang(Kim) Sonnenberg's Biography


I was born in 1973, toward the end of the Vietnam war.  During that time there was so much chaos in the country. The Vietnam war was also known as the Conflict in Vietnam, with Cambodia and Laos starting from November 1955 to the fall of Saigon on April of 1975. 


There were two sides in Vietnam, the North and the South.  The North was supported by the Soviet Union, China and other communist allies. Then there’s the South, (where my family is from) who were supported by the United States and other anti-communist allies.


In 1975, the fall of Saigon took place, when the North took over, life for the Vietnamese people in the South was unsustainable.  The number of Vietnamese people fleeing the country was sky high.  My family was one of the many groups of refugees who fled the country.


They called us the "BOAT PEOPLE". My family escaped Vietnam in 1979 when I was only a child, at 6 years old.  My mother escaped with four of her young children with only the clothes on our backs and a tiny beat up fishing boat, heading out to the South China Sea. 


During our voyage, we came across many difficulties. We experienced starvation, near-death because the boat started sinking, and feelings of despair. God was with us. I found faith as a child, often catching myself talking to him.  I found comfort in God being by my side.

© 2022 by Hang Kim Sonnenberg

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